
Sabtu, 30 Mei 2015

Pluto Rising: Discovery

Read Pluto Rising: Discovery

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A discovery is made on the tiny dwarf planet Pluto via the New Horizons probe in June 2015. It stuns Earth into starting a new space race to send people and reach the distant world as quickly as possible. Ross and Jane; granted with this epic task with the aid of an unusual computer called Archimedes. They make plans for a future generation of space travelers. Along the way, they are continually thwarted by the insidious shadow group The Few, which uses time as a weapon to complete their objectives. Upon finally reaching Pluto, there are more questions than answers and the expedition gets caught in an epic battle between mammoth space vessels and time itself. What secrets does Pluto hold? Does the crew successfully fight off The Few? With the plot twisting and turning, this fast-paced adventure will have you at the edge of your seat, ending in an epic crescendo that will leave you crying for more. Pluto is beckoning; answer the call.


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